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Shares Relating to Unpaid and Unclaimed Dividend

Nodal officer :  Vinod Mohan, Company Secretary & Compliance Officer


    Newspaper advertisement(01.06.2023)-Reg- Transfer of equity shares and unclaimed Dividend to IEPF

    Shares Relating to Unpaid and Unclaimed Dividend - Since Transferred to IEPF Authority

Form IEPF 4  2008-09

Form IEPF-4 2009-10 

Form IEPF-4 2010-11

Form IEPF- 4 2011-12

Form IEPF- 4 2012-13

Details of Unpaid & Unclaimed Dividend- To be transferred to IEPF (2014- 15)

 Details of Unpaid & Unclaimed Dividend- To be transferred to IEPF (2015- 16)

 Details of Unpaid & Unclaimed Dividend- To be transferred to IEPF(2016- 17)